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Doctors of Sciences

Mammadli Sevil Akif gizi

Mamedli Sevil

Place of birth: Arm. SSR, Zangibasar district

Date of birth: 01.04.1957

Education: Baku State University, Faculty of Biology

Scientific degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences

Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code: 03.00.15
- specialty name: Genetics
- topic name: Study of features of retinol-acetate mechanism of genoprotective action

Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code: 2426.01; 2418.01
- specialty name: Ecology; Radiobiology
- topic name: Radioprotective influence of reducing Instability of genome, induced by Gamma and UV factors

Total number of printed scientific publications: 71
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: 35
- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: 12

Number of patents and certificates of authorship: 4

Basic scientific achievements:
1. An increase in the number of chromosome aberrations in the M1 and M2 generations, which we established using the example of plants of Allium cepa, Nicotiana tabacum, and Triticum durum of two taxonomic classes (mono- and dicotyledonous), indicates the induction of genomic instability caused by irradiation in plants of different species.
2. The development of cytogenetic disorders and genomic instability in plants was accompanied by a change in physiological and biochemical parameters (a decrease in the content of chlorophylls a and b, as well as carotenoids).
3. As a result of studying the features of the induction of genome instability in plants of different species, it was found that the type of pollination affects the structural changes in chromosomes not only in parental forms, but in generations M1 and M2: at low doses of irradiation in cross-pollinated plants, the frequency of chromosome aberrations is 1.3 -1.5 times lower than in self-pollinating ones, which indicates the role of homo- and heterozygosity of the plant genome.
4. The stimulating effect of low doses (1-15 Gy) of seed irradiation on the growth parameters of plants grown from them in laboratory conditions has been proven. In addition, it was found that high doses (200-300 Gy) differently affect the content of pigments - chlorophylls and carotenoids.
5. Effective natural radioprotectors affecting the genome of irradiated plants were found: extracts of Sophora and Walnut flowers and Rutin from Sophora flowers.
a) Under the influence of rutin, a decrease in the yield of chromosome aberrations by 1.9-2.4 times was observed in plants obtained from irradiated seeds at doses of 5 to 15 Gy, obtained from the extract of Sophora flowers and its complexes with iron.
b) A decrease in the yield of cytogenetic disorders by 2.0 times was found in irradiated plants when treated with sophora extract at a concentration of 0.01%.
c) Treatment with 0.01% walnut extract caused a 3.0-fold decrease in the yield of chromosome aberrations.
For the first time, the prospects of using these herbal preparations to prevent the development of radiation-induced cytogenetic disorders and genomic instability have been substantiated. 6. The levels of reduction in the yield of chromosomal aberrations indicate that rutin and iron rutinate are more effective (2.0 and 3.0 times) than the widely used antimutagens Fe-thiocarbamide and Fe-pyrocatechinate (1.9 and 1.6 times).
7. Pre-treatment of seeds with walnut extract had the most significant radioprotective effect, which manifested itself in a decrease in the yield of chromosomal aberrations in seedlings and an increase in the content of photosynthetic pigments in plant leaves, compared with control plants. The radioprotective effect of the walnut extract was 2 times more effective than the routine.
8. A positive effect of the drug rutin on the content of photosynthetic (chlorophylls a and b, as well as carotenoids) pigments in plants obtained from irradiated seeds was shown. The effect of iron rutinate had a similar focus, but was less pronounced. It was also shown that the magnitude of the protective effect of both preparations depended on the plant species: for example, it was higher in tobacco than in wheat.
9. It was found that the treatment of seeds with extracts of walnut and sophora before irradiation caused a weakening of the effect of lipid peroxidation, as evidenced by a decrease in the concentration of malondialdehyde in plant tissues obtained from treated seeds. The decrease in the content of this compound, due to the influence of plant extracts, indicates the presence of antioxidant properties in them. This indicates that the decrease in the development of radiation-induced instability of the genome may be associated with the antioxidant activity of the natural radioprotectors rutin, sophora and walnut extracts used.
10. The study of the antioxidant properties of vitamins A, K1 and E on bacterial test systems based on E.coli strains mutated in genes (uvr B rec F) associated with different repair systems showed that the highest, compared with the studied vitamins, antioxidant the action was shown by retinol acetate at a concentration of 0.001 μg / ml, as well as a combination of various vitamins, in particular, vitamins A + K1, A + K1 + E. It has been established that the mechanism of the gene-protective action of retinol acetate is associated with the activation of error-free repair pathways involving the uvrB and recF genes and their products.
11. Based on the results obtained, it can be argued about the differences in the processes of development of genetic disorders in cross-pollinated and self-pollinated plants during irradiation and the possibility of their correction using natural extracts with antioxidant properties.

Practical offer
1. The results of the study of the radioprotective effect of natural-organic compounds create prospects for the development of drugs and food supplements against the chronic effects of various radioactive contaminants and genotoxicants.
2. The study of the radioprotective properties of new biologically active organic-mineral compounds of natural origin in plant systems under model conditions makes it possible to produce organo-mineral fertilizers on their basis and use them in agriculture.
3. Studying the impact of ecogenetic damage caused by radiation and other stress factors on plants and conducting scientific research in the direction of their elimination will achieve positive results in preventing complications that may occur in the human body and plants in the future.
4. The resulting of study of organomineral compounds can be used to develop plant protection technologies in natural and technogenically polluted soils, their rehabilitation by biological methods.
5. The resulting of study of humic compounds can be used in the purification of soils contaminated with oil on the Absheron Peninsula and against increasing salinization, as well as in the field of neutralization of contaminated water sources.

Names of scientific works:
1. Mamedova S.A. The features of the retinol-acetate correction of induced by ultra-violet rays mutagenesis //19th Annual Meeting of EEMS, Greece, Rhodes, 1989. P. 138.
2. Sardarli G., Mamedova S.A. Antimutagenic activity of retinilacetate in the case of original of pyrimidin dimmers// In: III National Congress of Medical Biology an Genetics. 28-30 September, 1990. -Varna, Bulgaria. - P.104.
3. Мамедова С.А. Антимутагенное действие ретинола на спонтанный и индуцированный НГ и УФ- лучами мутагенез в клетках E.coli // В мат. VII Всесоюзного симпозиума «Молекулярные механизмы генетических процессов». - М.: Наука, 1990. - С.119-120.
4. Mamedova S.A. The features of antimutagenic effect of retinol- acetate by appearance of the intermolecular sewings of DNA in E.coli cells// XX Annual Meeting of EEMS. - York, 1990. - P. 39.
5. Мамедова С.А. Особенности коррекции ретинолом мутагенеза, индуцированного УФ-излучениями и алкилирующими соединениями // В мат. VI съезда АзОГиС. Баку,- Азернешр.- 1994.- С. 145.
6. Мамедова С.А. Антимутагенная активность ретинол ацетата в зависимости от вариабельности последовательности его комбинированного применения в сочетании с нитрозогуанидином// ВИНИТИ, - №1572-В94. - от 19.09.94г.,- 1994.
7. Məmmədli S.A. Retinol –asetatın ayrılıqda və E və K vitaminləri ilə birlikdə antimutagen təsir aktivliyi // M. Axundovun 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş «Eksperimental biologiyanın inkişaf perspektivləri» mövzusunda elmi konfransın materialları. Bakı. - BDU - 2002, may, - S. 61-62.
8. Əliyev Ə.A., Babayev M.Ş., Məmmədli S. A.,və b. Ğen mutasiyasının gısa müddətli analiz üsulu (metodiki göstəriş). - Bakı.- BDU.1997. - 24 s.
9. Мамедли С.А. Механизм генозащитного действия ретинол-ацетата -. Киев, Логос, 2004.- 145 С.
10. Мамедли С.А. Концентрационная зависимость протекторного действия ретинол-ацетата при индукции мутаций УФ-светом //Аzərb. Resp. Təhsil Nazirliyi. «Bilik» dərgisi. - 2005, №2. - С.48-51.
11. Məmmədli S.А. Retinol-asetatla UB-şüaların induksion mutasiya şəraitində Е.coli К-12 hüceyrələrində korreksiyası “Еksperimental biologiya və müasirlik” konfr. mat. Bakı, - BDU, 29-30 aprel, 2005,- S. 150-151.
12. Мамедли С.А. Особенности путей коррекции ретинол-ацетатом УФ-индуцированного мутагенеза //AMİU-nun 30-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş 111-Beyn. Simp. Bakı. 23-25 noyabr, 2005.- S. 236 -240.
13. Mameдли C.A., Фараджов М.Ф., Шамилов Э.Н. Регуляция мутационной изменчивости в клетках Allium cepa. /Международная конференция “Биорад-2006” Биологические эффекты малых доз ионизирующей радиации и радиоактивное загрязнение среды. 28 февраля-3 марта, Сыктывкар, 2006г. - С. 103-104.
14. Мамедли С.А., Шамилов Э.Н., Фараджов М.Ф, Абдуллаев А.С. Генозащитное действие экстракта зеленых плодов грецкого ореха на хромосомные аберрации в проростках Allium cepa. /Российская Академия Наук, Международная Ассоциация Академий Наук, Международный радиоэкологический Союз. V Съезд по радиационным исследованиям. 10-14 апреля 2006 г. Тезисы докладов. -Том 2.- Москва, 2006.- С. 44
15. Мамедли С. А. Генозащитное действие ретинол-ацетата в клетках E. Coli.//AMEA, Xəbərlər, Biologiya elmləri .- № 1-2. - Bakı. - 2006. - S. 109-117.
16. Шилина Ю.В., Мамедли С.А., Рашидов Н.М. Спонтанная и индуцированная генетическая нестабильность соматических клеток растений /Вiсник Украiнского Товариства Генетикiв i Селекцiонерiв. - 2006. - Т.4, №2. - С. 249-271.
17. Şamilov E.N., Abdullayev A.S., Məmmədli S.A., Əzizov İ.V. Aşağı və kritik dozalarda şüalandırılmış Triticum, Zea mays, Allium cepa toxumlarında radioprotektorların fotosintez piqmentlərinə və xromosom aberrasiyalarına təsiri. /Botanika institutunun елми əsərləri. - Бакы, 2006. – С. 344- 352.
18. Rzayev A.A., Huseynova Z.H., Suleymanova A., Mamedli S.А., Azizov I.V. Comparative study of radioprotective properties of pyrocatechol, thiocarbamide, rutin and their iron complexes. //European Radiation Research 2006, The 35th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society and The- 4th Annual Meeting of the Ukrainian Society for Radiation Biology.- 22nd to 25 th August, 2006. Kyiv.- Ukraine.- Р.99.
19. Şhamilov E.N, Rzayev A.A., Huseynova Z.H. , Mamedli S.A. , Azizov I.V. Influence of complexes of iron on genetic changes at γ-irradiated wheat./The fourth Eurasian conference on Nuclear science and its application. October 31 - November 3, 2006 Baku, Azerbaican. - Р. 116.
20. Мамедли С.А. Протекторная активность ретинол-ацетата в сочетании с витаминами Е и КI //Sağlamlıq, Bakı. - 2006.- С. 133-139.
21. Мамедли С.А. Радиационно-индуцированная нестабильность генома у растений и бактерий. Баку. Элм. -256с.
22.Мамедли С.А., Гродзинский Д.М. Роль типа опыления в проявлении радиационно-индуцированной нестабильности генома у растений.//Доповиди НАН Украины. - № 7.- 2007. - С. 165-170.
23. Shamilov E.N., Rzayev A.A., Huseynova Z.H., Suleymanova A.S., Mamedli S.A., Azizov I.V. Influence of complexes of iron on genetic changes at g -irradiated wheat /The fourth Eurasian conference on Nuclear science and its application. October 31 - November 3, 2006. - Baku, Azerbaican. - 2007. - Р. 230-236.
24. Мамедли С.А., Халилов Р.И. Радиопротекторное воздействие препаратов рутина и рутината-железа на семена пшеницы. //BDU Хəbərləri. - Bakı. - 2007. - №3. - С. 69-74.
25. Мамедли С.А. Радиопротекторные свойства экстракта софоры.//Сб. Проблеми Радiацiiоннoi Медицини та Радiобiологii. - Киев. - 2006. - 12 выпуск.-С. 258-265.
26. Мамедлi С.А. Радiопротекторна дiя препаратiв рослинного походження //Карантин i Захист Рослин. - Киев. - 2007. - №4.- С. 27.
27. Мамедли С.А. Радиационно-индуцированная нестабильность генома у растений табака //Харчовi добавки харчування здоровоi та хвороi людини. - Материалы другоi мiжгалузевоi мижнародноi науково-практичноi конференцii, 5-6 квiтня 2007 року.- Донецк, 2007.- С. 133-134.
28. Мамедлi С.А. Радiопротекторна дiя препаратiв рутину, екстрактiв волоського горiху та софори на насiння тютюну//Наукови доповиди Національного аграрного університету. - вып. №1(6). - 2007. - Киев. -
29. Məmmədli S.A., Sadıxova N.D. Bəzi dəmir komplekslərinin və qoz ekstraktının genomüdafiə təsiri // Kimya problemləri dərgisi , - № 4. - Bakı -2007. - S. 758-761.
30. Мамедли С.А.. Радиационно-индуцированная нестабильность генома у растений табака./ Науковий Вiсник, НАУ. - 105.- Киев. - 2007. - С. 227-232.
31. Məmmədli S. A.,Xəlilov R.İ. Bitkilərdə ionlaşdırıjı şüaların təsiri ilə yaranmış genomun qeyri –stabil vəziyyətinə çarpaz tozlanmanın təsiri //Fövqaladə hallar və həy.fəal.təhlükəsizliyi prob.10 illik yub.həsr olun.IVBeyn. Simp.mat. - 15-16 noyabr,2007. - Bakı. - 2007. - S. 176-179.
32. Mamedli S.A. Antioxidant properties of the extract of sophora//Natural cataclysms and global problems of the modern civilization. – Baku. - 2007. - P. 534-538.
33. Məmmədli S.A.. Şüalandırılmış bitki toxumlarında radioprotektorların təsirilə genomun qeyri-stabilliyinin tənzimlənməsi//Akademik H. Əliyevin 100 illik yub.həsr olun.elmi konfrans. mat. - 5-7 dekabr, Bakı . - 2007. - S. 62-68.
34. Мамедли С.А., Садыгова Н.Д., Потекторное воздействие препаратов растительного происхождения на семена Allium Cepa L.//БДУ Хябярляри. - Бакы.- 2008. - №3. - С. 73-78.
35. Мамедли С.А. Антимутагенное и антиоксидантное действие препаратов растительного происхождения при облучении семян Allium Cepa L./Досягненя i проблеми генетики, селекцii та бiотехнологii: збiрник наукових праць. –Т. 2.- Киiв: Логос, 2007. – С. 528-532.
36. Мамедли С.А. Радиационно-индуцированная нестабильность генома у растений и бактерий. Баку: Элм; - 2007. – 256 c.
37. Мамедли С.А. Радиационно-индуцированная нестабильность генома у растений лука Allium Cepa L //Ekoenerqetika, №2. - Baku. - 2007. - S. 26-29.
38. Мамедли С.А., Садыгова Н.Д. Генозащитное действие препаратов растительного происхождения на семена Allium Cepa L. //BDU Xəbərləri. - Bakı.- 2008. - №3. - S. 62-67.
39. Мамедли С.А. Протекторного действия ретинол-ацетата при индукции мутаций УФ-светом. //Sağlamlıq, Bakı. - 2008. - S. 139-143.
40.Məmmədli S.A.,Sadıxova N.D. Radioprotektorların təsirilə genomun qeyri-stabilliyinin tənzimlənməsi. // Kimya problemləri dərgisi, № 3.- Bakı. - 2008. -S. 529-532.
41. Мамедли С.А., Садыгова Н.Д. Роль типа опыления в проявлении радиационно-индуцированной нестабильности генома в клетках Allium Cepa L. //БДУ Хябярляри. - Бакы. - 2009. - №2. - С. 92-97. 42. Мамедли С.А. Радиопротекторная активность витаминов А, Е и К1 // Azərbaycan Aqrar Elmi. – Bakı. - 2009.- №3-4. – S. 126-128.
43.Мамедли С.А. Экологическое определение проявлений нестабильности генома у перекрестно опыляющихся растений. ATC-nin əsərlər toplusu. - Bakı. - 2009. –X1 c.11-h. - S. 527-535.
44. Мамедли С.А., Халилов Р.И., Новрузов В.С. Протекторные действия ретинол-ацетата на спонтанные и индуцированные УФ-светом мутации. // Gəncə Dövlət Universiteti.Elmi Xəbərləri. - Gəncə. - 2009. - №1. - С. 122-128.
45. Мамедли С.А. Уровень перекисного окисления липидов в клетках ALLIUM CEPA после обработки семян растительными препаратами /Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів. Зб. Наукових праць, т. 9 – Київ: Логос, 2011. – С.472-476.
46. Məmmədlı S.A. Ətraf mühitin canlı orqanizmlərdə yaratdığı ekogenetik dəyişkənliklər //Radiasiya tədqiqatları və onların praktiki aspektləri.V111 konf. Bakı.20-21noyabr, 2013.s131.
47. Sevil Akif Mamedli. Radioprotective properties of Sophora extract. European Journal of Biophysics.Vol. 2, No. 3, 2014, pp.13-16.doi.10.11648/j.ejb.20140203.11.
48. Sevil A. Mamedli.Effects of plant drugs on lipid peroxidation in irradiated cells onion seeds. Journal of Advancesin Biology.Vol. 5, No. 3.2014.pp.728-731.
49. Sevil Mamedli. Study of Pollination Type Role in the Manifestation of Genome Genetic Instability in Nicotiana tabacum L.Cells. International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol.3.2014. pp.486-488.
50. Sevil Akif Mamedli. Gene protection effect of the Retinol-acetate upon the spontaneous and UV-light induced mutations// The Journal of Radiology Photon-126, Photon 126 (2015) 202-206 Short Communication. ISJN: 5743-8483: Impact Index: 5.20
51. Muslumova,Z.H.Mammadli,S.A.Faracov M.F. Protection of agricultural plants in the natural and technogenical contaminated areas, problems of food safety// Emergency cases and safe life international scientific practical conference dedicated to 10th anniversary of Ministry of Emergency Cases 2015. İNİS volum 47/1.İNİS İssue 45/1
52. MəmmədliS.A.,Əhmədzadə G.Y. Allium cepa l. Toxumlarina bitki mənşəli preparatlarin protektor təsiri //Gence Texnologiya Universtiteti- 2017, S.275-277
53. Мəmmədli S.A., Müslümova Z.H., Fərəcov М.F. Araz çayi ətrafi ərazilərdə torpaq və su mənbələrinin ekoloji monitorinqi//AMEA,Torpaqsünaslıq və Aqrokimya jurnalı. Cild-23,No 1-2, 2018. S.225-228
54. Mamedli S.A., Faradjov M.F., Muslimova Z.X., Nurubeyli T.K., Ecological monitoring of the environment in the coastal areas of the Araz River// International Educational Applied Scientifik Research Journal (IEASRJ)Valum:2,Issue:10, 2017-oct. P. 1-3
55. Мəmmədli S.A., Müslümova Z.H., Fərəcov М.F. İmişli rayonunun torpaq,su mənbələrinin agır metal və radionuklid tərkibinin analizi// H.Əliyevin 110illik yubileyi ,Torpaqsunasliq İnst. s. 82
56. Mamedli Sevil Akif, The Role of the Pollination Experience in the Manifestation of the Genetics Instability of the Genom in Cells Nicotiаna tabacum L. and Antioxidant Properties of the Extract of Sophora //TheJournal ofGenetics Original Research Article. ISJN: 4255-7158: Impact Index: 5.38, 118 (2018) P. 182-189
57. Mamedli Sevil Akif, A study of the pattern of genetic instability of the genome in Nicotiana tabacum L. cells and the antioxidant properties of the extract of Sophora// JOKULL Journal,İSSN,0449 -0576,Vol.68,No.10,Oct.2018
58. Mamedli Sevil Akif, The Influence of Herbal Preparations on the level of Lipid Peroxidation// JOKULL Journal,İSSN,0449 -0576 ,Vol.68,No.10,Oct.2018
59. Mamedli S.A.,AslanovR.KH. Induced and Anti-Carcinogenic Genetic Instability of Genoma Plants Allium Cepa L.// JOKULL Journal,İSSN,0449 -0576,Vol.68, No.11,Nov.2018
60. Мамедли С. А. , Ахмедзаде Г.Я. Радиопротекторное воздействие экстракта корки и листья граната на уровень хромосомных аберраций у Allium cepa// Journal of Radiation Research. Baku, Azerbajcan, N2,T.5,2018, P.360-363.
61. Məmmədli S.A.,Əhmədzadə G.Y, ALLIUM CEPA L. Toxumlarına bitki mənşəli Nar ekstraktının radioprotektor təsiri // BDU- Xəbərləri, N 3,2018, N-3,SS.58-63.
62. Mamedli S. A., AhmedzadeG.Y., Radioprotective effect of extract pomegranate peel and leaves on the level of chromosomal aberrations in Allium cepa L. SEEDS// THE 7Th Congress of Ukrainian Radiobiological Society with International Participation, Dedicated to the memory of Academician Grodzynsky Dmytro Mykhailovych,1st – 4th October 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine.
63. Məmmədli S. A., Əhmədzadə G. Y., Buğda cücərtilərinə bitki mənşəli nar ekstraktının radioprotektor təsiri.// Elmi Xəbərlər Məcmuəsi Jurnalı,Gəncə,N-2/2019., S.15-19
64. Sevil Mamedli, Determination of genetic instability of the genome in nicotiana tabacum L.cells and stabilization with sophora extract.// Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications ( ı ,26-28 august Baku 2020, P.263-265.
65. Sevil Mamedli, The effect of extracts of walnut,sophora and rutin on the level of lipid peroxidation.// Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications( 1,26-28 august Baku 2020, P.266-269
66. Sevil Mamedli, Induced and anti-carcinogenic genetic instability of genoma in plants Allium cepa L.// Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications( ıı,26-28 august Baku 2020, P.236-238
67. Mammadli S.A.,Farajov M.F.,Muslumova Z.H., Environmental monitoring in some villages of Saatli and Imishli districts// Journal of Radiation Research. Baku, Azerbajcan, Vol. 7, N 2, 2020, PP.28-33. 68. Mammadli S.A., Muslumova Z.H., Farajov M.F. Study of the radioprotective properties of rutin and its complexes in plant model systems// Journal of Radiation Research. Baku, Azerbajcan, VOL 8,N2,,2021,P.52-59.
69. Muslumova Z.H., Mammadli S.A., Farajov M.F. Effect of sodium and potassium humate in adaptive reaction of Zea mays under radiation stress. International Journal of Biology Sciences.Vol.4, Issue 1, 2022, Page N 9-15.
70. Müslümova Z.H., Məmmədli S.A., Fərəcov M.F. Polifunksional liqand tərkibli birləşmələrin şüalanmadan qoruyucu xüsusiyyətlərinin qiymətləndirilməsi. “Ekologiya və torpaqşünaslıq elmləri XXI əsrdə” III respublika Elmi Konfransı. 2022. səh. 37-39
71. Muslumova Z.H., Mammadli S.A., Farajov M.F. Study of radioprotective properties of potassium humate in gamma irradiated wheat seedlings. Journalof Stress Physiology and Biohemistry.vol.18.N3, 2022.p.59-65.

Pedagogical activity:
Azerbaijan Technical University

Прочая деятельность:
Chairman of the Union of Intelligent Women of Azerbaijan

Awards and prizes:
Johann Wilhelm Ritter Research Award in Radiology, Reference No QD-776003102015, Date: 03 October, 2015.

Main place of work and its address:
Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AZ1143, B.Vakhabzadeh str., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic

Position: Leading researcher

Mobile: (+994 55) 6441810, (+994 50) 6404015
