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Doctors of Sciences

Agayev Teymur Neymatulla oglu

Agayev Teymur Neymatulla ogluPlace of birth: Azerbaijan, Ismayilli district, Buynuz village

Date of birth: 05.02.1961

Education: Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named D.I. Mendeleyev

Scientific degree: Doctor of chemical sciences

Title: Professor

Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code: 02.00.15; 02.00.09
- specialty name: Chemical kinetics and catalysis; Radiation chemistry
- topic name: The role of aluminum acceptor centers in the radiation-catalytic decomposition of water

Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code: 2305.01
- specialty name: Nuclear chemistry
- topic name: Radiation-catalytic processes for obtaining hydrogen from water-hydrocarbon systems and the influence of structural materials on their kinetic properties.

Total number of printed scientific publications: 177
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: 106
- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: 55

Number of patents and certificates of authorship: 2

Staff training:
- number of PhD: 6

Basic scientific achievements:
In the scientific literature of recent years, there is practically no information on the effect of the second component on the radiation-catalytic and surface physicochemical properties of nano-ZrO2 – nano-SiO2 binary systems. Therefore, the kinetics and mechanism of hydrogen formation in the heterogeneous radiolysis of water were studied depending on the ratio of components in the n-ZrO2 + n-SiO2 system.
The kinetics and mechanism of molecular hydrogen formation during the decomposition of water on the surface of the n-ZrO2 + n-SiO2 system at different temperatures (T = 373 ÷ 673K) were studied. High yields of molecular hydrogen were observed upon splitting water on the surface of the n-ZrO2 + n-SiO2 system with the combined effect of gamma radiation and temperature. It has been established that high yields are associated with high catalytic activity of n-ZrO2, participation of non-equilibrium charge carriers and secondary electron irradiation from the n-ZrO2. It was revealed that the formation of a new phase in the n-ZrO2 + n-SiO2 system causes an increase in the particle size, which affects the radiation-catalytic activity of this system. The addition of n-SiO2 to n-ZrO2 causes a decrease in the radiation-catalytic activity of the n-ZrO2 + n-SiO2 system.
- The kinetic regularities of molecular hydrogen formation during the radiation-heterogeneous processes in the ZrO2 + H2Oads system under the influence of gamma irradiation were revealed. It was established that the rate of formation and yield of molecular hydrogen in the case of ZrO2 suspension in water is 6÷6.5 times higher than in the case of water adsorbed on the surface of ZrO2. This proves that when nano-ZrO2 particles are surrounded by water molecules, the energy carriers formed (electrons, holes, excited states - excitons) are actively involved in the decomposition of water molecules. The water+suspended nano-ZrO2 system can be proposed as an effective method of radiolytic decomposition of water with the participation of nano-ZrO2.
- It was revealed that the yield of molecular hydrogen both in the ZrO2+H2Oads system and in the case of ZrO2 suspension in water increases with decreasing particle sizes of nano-ZrO2. This means that the particle sizes of the nano-ZrO2 samples under study are comparable with the mean free path of the energy carriers formed in them. Therefore, the size effect is manifested in radiation-heterogeneous processes occurring in both systems.
- The effect of temperature on radiation-heterogeneous processes in the ZrO2 + H2Oads system was studied. It was found that at T≥373K, centers on the surface of nano-ZrO2 (coordination-unsaturated ≡Zr•, =ZrO•, =ZrO* and etc.) are activated, with the participation of which thermal splitting of water occurs with the formation of hydrogen. Under identical conditions, the kinetics of the formation of molecular hydrogen during radiation-thermal and thermal decomposition of water in the ZrO2 + H2Oads system was studied, the radiation component was revealed, and the dependence G (H2) = f (T) was constructed. The activation energies in Arrhenius coordinates are calculated on the basis of the dependence W(H2) = f(T). It is established that the activation energy of radiation-heterogeneous processes (ERT = 25.2 kJ / mol) is lower than during thermal processes (ET = 38.5 kJ / mol). With an increase in temperature, thermally active centers on the surface are activated, and the transfer of energy carriers to the contact boundary is also accelerated, and therefore the output of hydrogen increases. Based on the data obtained, a mechanism of radiation-heterogeneous processes of water decomposition in the ZrO2 + H2Oads and suspended nano-ZrO2+water systems in the framework of the electrophysical model is proposed.
- In order to identify the mechanisms of thermal, radiation-thermal and radiation decomposition of water with the participation of nano-ZrO2, the system was investigated by the method of IR Fourier spectroscopy. It was established that water is adsorbed on the surface of nanoparticles by molecular and dissociative mechanisms, and that during the process intermediate cleavage products are formed — OH hydroxyl groups, atomic hydrogen H, ion radicals (π– O22- and O22-) and hydrides (ZrH, ZrH2). The mechanisms of the effect of the surface layer of water on the yield of intermediate products in the temperature range T = 300 ÷ 673K are revealed.
- In order to identify the role of nonequilibrium charge carriers in the process of radiation-heterogeneous decomposition of water with the participation of nano-ZrO2, paramagnetic centers formed in the ZrO2 + H2Oads system under the influence of gamma quanta were studied. The nature of these centers and the kinetics of formation were studied by the EPR method. It was revealed that at T = 77K, under the influence of gamma quanta, Zr+3, O2- - hole and F-electron centers are formed in nano-ZrO2. Of these, O2--hole and F-electron centers are localized on the surface, and Zr+3 centers - in the bulk of nano-ZrO2 particles. With increasing temperature from T = 77K to T = 300K, electrons and holes recombine, and Zr+3 centers are localized in a relatively stable state in volume. Due to the fact that g(O2-) = 2.0024 coincides with the g-factor of the F-center (g = 2.0023), their kinetic regularities were studied together and the energy yield of nonequilibrium charge carriers, which is equal to G(n.c.c)= 8.4 particles / 100 eV, was calculated on the basis of kinetic curves.

Elmi əsərlərinin adları:
1. Garibov A.A., Gezalov Kh.B., Agayev T.N., Gasumov R.D.. Radiation induced heterogeneous reaction in BeO+H2O using EPR. J.Radiat. Phys. 1987, №3, V.30, p.197-199.
2. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н., Руфуллаев Р.М., Велибекова Г.З.. Радиационно-термокаталитические процессы получения водорода из смеси СН42О. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Сер. Ядерная техника и технология. 1989, вып. 2, с.29-31.
3. Гарибов А.А., Пармон В.Н., Агаев Т.Н., Касумов Р.Д.. Влияние полиморфных форм оксида и температуры на перенос энергии при радиационно-гетерогенных процессах в системе Al2+O3+H2O. Журнал химия высоких энергий, 1991, №2, т.52, с.105-109.
4. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н., Касумов Р.Д.. Влияние содержания алюминия на радиацинно-каталитическую активность алюмосликата в процессе получения водорода из воды. // Химия высоких энергий, 1991, т.25, №5, с.409-413.
5. Гарибов А.А., Ходулев Л.Б., Агаев Т.Н., Велибекова Г.З., Джафаров Я.Д.. Эффект радиации в гетерогенных процессах в контакте циркониевых материалов с водой.//Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Сер.Ядерная техника и технология, 1991, вып. 1, с.13-15.
6. Гарибов А.А.,Агаев Т.Н.,Велибекова Г.З., Джафаров Я.Д.. Радиационно-гетерогенные процессы в контакте алюминия с водой.Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Ж. Химия высоких энергий, 1992, т. 26, №2, с. 235-238.
7. Гарибов А.А., Красноштанов В.Ф., Агаев Т.Н., Велибекова Г.З.. Эффек радиации в геторогенных процессах в контакте циркония и сплава Zr+1%Nb с водой. // Химия высоких энергий, 1992, т.26, №3, с.13-15.
8. Garibov A.A., Agayev T.N., Velibekova G.Z.. Effect of degree of order of silicon dioxide on localization processes of non-equilibrium charge carries under the influence of gamma-radiation; J.Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 1999, 54, p.131-134.
9. Гарибов А.А., Эюбов. К.Т., Агаев Т.Н.. Жидкофазный радиолиз систем вода -n- гексан.//Химия высоких энергий, 2004, т.38, №5, стр. 334-336.
10. Agayev T.N., Gasimova U.M., Velibekova G.Z. Radiation-induced changes in stainless steel at long–therm irradiation.//J. High Temperature Corrosion, 2007, №3, p. 311-314.
11. Агаев Т.Н.. Эффект воздействия радиации на предварительно радиационно - окислительно обработанную нержавеющую сталь.//Металловедение и термическая обработка металлов, Москва, 2009, № 1, с.49-52.
12. Агаев Т.Н.. Вклад радиационно-гетерогенных процессов в водородную безопасность водоохлаждаемых ядерных реакторов//Вопросы Атомной Науки и Техники. Серия: «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение», 2009 №4. с. 202-205.
13. Agayev T.N.. Mathematical modeling of processes of radiolysis of water, hexane and water-hexane mixture // Вопросы Атомной Науки и Техники. 2013, №5. с.43-47.
14. Hashemi M.Y., Garibov A.A., Agayev T.N.. Effect of gamma radiation on oxidation of electroless Ni-P deposited on stainless steel st. 304 //J. Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemstry, 2014, №1, V. 50, p. 38-42.
15. Ghahramani M.R., Garibov A.A., Agayev T.N.. Production and qualityu control of radioactive yttrium microspheres for medical applications//J.Applied radiation and Isotopes, 2014, №1, V. 85, p. 87-91.
16. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н., Г.Т. Иманова, С.З. Меликова, Н.Н. Гаджиева. Изучение радиационно-термического разложения воды на нано-ZrO2 методом ИК спектроскопии// Ж. Химия высоких энергий, 2014, №3, т.48, с.1-5.
17. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н.. Радиационно-гетерогенные процессы в контакте нержавеющей стали с морской водой. // Ж. Физхикохимия поверхности и защита материалов, 2014, №4, т.50, с. 1-6.
18. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н., Мирзоев М.Н., Алиев С.М. Гетерогенный радиолиз воды в присутствии уранил-силиката. // Ж. Физхикохимия поверхности и защита материалов, 2015, №4, т.51, с. 351-356.
19. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н., Иманова Г.Т., Эюбов К.Т., Кинетика радиационного и термокаталитического разложения воды в присутствии нанодиоксида циркония. // Ж. Вопросы атомной науки и техники 2015, №5 (99), с. 48-52.
20. Агаев Т.Н., Менсимоа З.А., Меликова С.З. Гетерогенный радиолиз воды в присутствии радий-силиката // Вопросы атомной науки и техники: Сер «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное повреждение», 2016, №4, с.26-31
21. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н., Алиев А.Г., Исмайлов Ш.С., Эюбов К.Т., Образование защитного слоя на поверхности радиационно-обработанных образцов циркония // Упрочняющие технологии и покрытия, 2016, №1, с. 38-42
22. Agayev T.N., Faradj-zadeh I.A., Aliyev A.G., Eyubov K.T., Aliyev S.M. Regularities radiation and heterogeneous processes in contact of Zr and Zr1%Nb alloy with water // Problems of atomic science and technology, series «Physics of radiation effect and radiation materials science», 2017, №2 (108), pp.63-69
23. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н., Меликова С.З., Иманова Г.Т., Фараджзаде И.А., Радиационно-каталитические свойства систем n-ZrO2+n-Al2O3 в процессе получения водорода из воды // Ж. Российские нанотехнологии, 2017, v.12, N 5-6, с.22-26
24. Гарибов А.А., Агаев Т.Н., Меликова С.З., Иманова Г.Т., Радиационно-гетерогенные процессы разложения воды в присутствии смесей наночастиц диоксидов кремния и циркония // Ж. Химия высокий энергий, 2018, v.52, №2, с. 129-134
25. Гаджиева Н.Н., Агаев Т.Н., Меликова С.З., ИК-Фурье- спектроскопическое исследование систем систем н- ZrO2+н-SiO2+H2O под действием гамма- излучения // Журнал прикладной спектроскопии, март-апрель 2018, Т.85, №2, с.351-354
26. Agayev T.N., Gadzhieva N.N., Melikova S.Z., Imanova G.T., Faradzh-zade I.A., An IR spectroscopic study of the effect of gamma radiation on the n-ZrO2+n-SiO2+H2O systems // Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces, 2018, v.54, №5, p. 813-816

Awards and prizes:
Honorary Decree on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS

Main place of work and its address:
Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AZ1143, B. Vakhabzadeh str., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic

Vəzifəsi: Head of Laboratory

Office phone: (+994 12) 5383224; (+994 12) 5393389
Mobile: (+994 50) 3575153
Home phone: (+994 12) 5391426
Fax: (+994 12) 5398318