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Doctors of Sciences

Jafarov Elimkhan Suleyman oglu

Cəfərov Elimxan

Place of birth: Armenian SSR, Soyugbulag village of Kalinino district

Date of birth: 09.04.1955

Education: Azerbaijan State University, Department of Physics

Scientific degree: Doctor of biology

Title: Professor

Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code: 01.04.17
- specialty name: Chemical Physics
- topic name: Structural transitions in human serum albumin

Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code: 03.00.02
- specialty name: Biophysics
- topic name: The spatial structure of human serum albumin based on the method of tritium label

Total number of printed scientific publications: 179 (81 articles, 3 monographs, 3 textbooks)
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: 69
- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: 15

Number of patents and certificates of authorship: 2

Staff training:
- number of PhD: 5
- number of Doctor of sciences: 1

Əsas elmi nailiyyətləri:
1. Engaged in research of the spatial structure of albumin, one of the major plasma proteins and using the method of tritium label for the first time identified: the surface area of the molecule, the coefficient Hide polypeptide chain protein factor "roughness" of the surface of the protein molecule. In addition, the first experimentally proved the existence of hydrophobic "pockets" on the surface of the protein molecule by cleaving intact macromolecules on domains, cross-domain plots investigated and mathematically defined by the components of the molecule domains.
2. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of radionuclides were studied both on individual soil profiles and in the horizontal distribution plane in one of the local pollution zones of the Absheron Peninsula (on the territory of the Ramani iodine plant). We studied both the migration of radionuclides polluting the territory along the earth-plant chain, and the features of their accumulation in individual plant organs. The biomorphological and reproductive features of herbaceous wild plants under the conditions of chronic exposure to ionizing radiation created by contaminating the territory with radionuclides, and the effect of this radiation on the photosynthesis process and the antioxidant system of plant protection were also studied.
3. The effect of ionizing radiation on the growth and development of both themselves and the first generations of beans, eggplant, cucumber and tomato, whose seeds were treated with different doses of gamma rays before sowing, the dynamics of dose-dependent changes in the amount of malonodialdehyde (MDA) - product lipid peroxidation formed in the leaves of plants under conditions of radiation stress, as well as the dynamics of dose-dependent changes in the amount of proline - an antioxidant that plays the role of a "trap" for reactive oxygen species. The effect of different doses of ionizing radiation on the antioxidant system of plant protection was studied on the basis of the determination of the activities of catalase (KAT) antioxidant enzymes, ascorbate peroxidase (APO), and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
   It is established that there are obvious differences in the biometric sizes of the fruits of the first generation of the studied plants in comparison with both parent and control fruits; as the radiation dose increases, membrane lipids undergo more “destruction”, and as a result, MDA content increases. The amount of proline varies depending on the dose, along with proline, antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, CAT and APO are also actively involved in protecting plants from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. Damage caused by radioactive radiation is saved in the next generation only in special cases.
   Based on the results obtained, it was revealed that increasing the dose in the low-dose region enhances the formation of reactive oxygen species, as a result of which the cell membranes are even more destroyed. In such conditions, the antioxidant protection system of plants, along with the acceleration of the synthesis of antioxidants, such as proline, also causes the activation of antioxidant enzymes. In the field of large doses, the destructive effect, along with lipids, covers the biological macromolecules themselves.
4. Considering that plants grow under the influence of several extreme environmental factors, and that such effects can lead to a decrease in the productivity of cultivated plants and a decrease in the biodiversity of wild plants, the growth and development of certain grain crops (peas, beans, corn) in various concentrations of NaCl are studied, the seeds of which were treated with γ rays in different doses, and based on the synthesis of chlorophylls and quantitative changes in carotenoids, brought some clarity to the process of photosynthesis under the conditions of double stress. To assess the “destruction” caused by reactive oxygen species in cell membranes under double stress, the dynamics of quantitative changes in malonic dialdehyde, the main product of membrane lipid peroxidation, as well as total protein from the radiation dose and NaCl concentration, were studied. Based on changes in the amount of low molecular weight antioxidants, such as proline, carotenoids, anthocyanins and flavonoids, and the activity of antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, CAT, and APO, the functioning of the antioxidant defense system (AODS) under joint and separate radiation and salt stresses was evaluated.
   It is established that for peas and corn:
- both for seeds irradiated with different doses, and for seeds grown in different concentrations of NaCl, there is a clear dependence of plant growth and development on both the radiation dose and the salt concentration in stressful situations;
- in such conditions, the antioxidant protection system of the plant is activated, while this activation includes both antioxidant enzymes of this system and low-molecular antioxidants;
- an increase in radiation dose causes changes in antioxidant enzymes. These changes at different concentrations of NaCl are different. Thus, a decrease in SOD activity in NaCl concentrations of 1, 5, and 10 mM, not counting minor deviations, occurs against the background of an increase in the activities of CAT and APO. However, at salt concentrations of 50 and 100 mM, on the contrary, a decrease in the activities of KAT and APO occurs against the background of an increase in SOD activity, i.e., under stressful conditions, antioxidant enzymes in some way show balanced activity;
- functioning of AODS in stressful conditions with an increase in radiation dose causes acceleration of synthesis of stress proteins. The observed tendency to increase the acceleration of protein synthesis is more large-scale with a high salt concentration;
- the same dynamics of changes in the content is characteristic of carotenoids. So, as increasing the dose of radiation, and salt concentration leads to an increase in the number of these pigments. It is believed that an increase in the number of carotenoids under the combined effect of radiation and salt stress is an adaptive response of plant cells to stressful conditions;
- unlike carotenoids, anthocyanins in the area of lower doses are characterized by a tendency to increase and, conversely, in the area of higher doses, a tendency to decrease. Such a dynamics of changes persists at practically all concentrations of NaCl, only at low salt concentrations, this change is of a sharply resonant nature;
- among the results of the study of green pigments is interesting that the studied plants have a higher level of Xl a than Xl b. With regard to the dose-dependent and concentration-dependent changes in the content of chlorophylls, it becomes clear that increasing the dose of radiation at low concentrations of NaCl leads to a noticeable increase in the content of Xl a, and a slight increase in Xl b. And at high salt concentrations, an increase in the radiation dose does not cause noticeable changes in the amount of green pigments. Considering the fact that plant growth and development is organically linked to the synthesis of green pigments, the combined effect of two stress factors causes a more inhibitory than stimulating effect;
- well-coordinated work of antioxidant enzymes and low molecular weight antioxidants ensures effective protection of plants against stress factors;
- in such conditions, depending on the intensity of stress factors, the antioxidant enzymes of the plant ASCP function in a balanced and coordinated manner both among themselves and with low molecular weight antioxidants, which protects the plants from the harmful effects of stress factors. It is believed that the study of details of adaptive mechanisms to such conditions in plants, will allow you to choose as plant varieties that are more resistant to stressful conditions, and resistant to stress factors of plants. These mechanisms will also allow to manage these processes.
5. The effect of presowing treatment with high sterilization doses of 0.3, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 kGy on the growth and development of potato plants, beans, eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes was studied on the basis of changes in the content of photosynthetic pigments and changes in the dynamics of low molecular weight and high molecular weight antioxidants, evaluated the effect of high-dose radioactive radiation on photosynthesis and on AODS functioning.
   It is determined that:
- the lethal dose for seed potatoes treated with pre-sowing irradiation is 0.3 - 2 kGy, for beans, cucumber and tomatoes 0.5 - 2 kGy, for bacladan 1-2 kGy. It is believed that although an irradiation dose of 0.3 kGy and more destroying microorganisms, makes potatoes suitable for long-term storage and use, but potatoes irradiated at such doses are not suitable for subsequent sowing;
- a dose of 0.3 kGy accelerates the synthesis of chlorophyll a and b in eggplant, these doses have virtually no effect on the synthesis of green pigments in beans and tomatoes, and in cucumbers, inhibiting the synthesis of chlorophyll a, accelerate the synthesis of chlorophyll b;
- the amount of MDA in plants, seeds, which were subjected to pre-sowing irradiation in sterilization doses, increases, respectively, in a row - beans, cucumber, tomato, eggplants;
- beans and eggplants in which the seeds were not treated with γ rays before sowing contain the same amount of protein, and seed treatment with γ rays before sowing can not significantly change the protein content;
- in the control sample of tomato the amount of carotenoids is higher than in the control sample of beans. Presowing treatment of tomato and pea seeds with γ-rays leads to an increase in the number of carotenoids and cannot change the amount of these pigments in cucumbers, and in eggplant an increase in the irradiation dose results in an imperceptible, then a sharp decrease in yellow pigments;
- treatment of seeds with radioactive rays at a dose of 0.3 kGy stimulates the synthesis of anthocyanins and proline in all plants;
- the control sample of cucumber has high APO and KAT activity, and the irradiation of seeds in all the studied plants reduces the activity of these enzymes;
- both control and test samples of the studied plants demonstrate similar activity in APO and CAT, in other words, these enzymes play a similar role in the functioning of the antioxidant defense system;
- beans, tomatoes and eggplants, which have low APO and CAT activity, show high SOD activity, and cucumbers, which, on the contrary, have high APO and CAT activity, have low SOD activity. In other words, the action of antioxidant enzymes in plants is balanced in a certain sense.

Names of scientific works:
1. Э.С. Джафаров, Л.А. Алиев, А.В. Волынская, Ю.М. Румянцев, А.В. Шишков. Новый «экспрессный» метод получения меченного тритием сывороточного альбумина человека. Изв. АН Азерб. ССР, Серия биол. наук, 1984, № 5, с. 112-116.
2. Э.С. Джафаров, Л.А. Алиев, А.Ю. Скрипкин, А.В. Волынская, А.В. Шишков, Л.А. Баратова, В.И. Гольданский. Исследование пространственной структуры сывороточного альбумина человека методом тотальной тритиевой метки. Изв. АН Азерб. ССР, Серия биол. наук, 1985, № 3, с. 102-110.
3. А.В. Волынская, А.Ю. Скрипкин, Э.С. Джафаров, Ю.М. Румянцев, А.В. Шишков, В.И. Гольданский. Определение доступной поверхности молекул лизоцима и сывороточного альбумина человека методом тритиевой метки. Молек. биол., (Москва), 1985, т. 19, с. 1294-1300.
4. Э.С. Джафаров, Л.А. Алиев. Влияние 8 М мочевины на структуру сывороточного альбумина человека. Исследование методом тритиевой метки. Изв. АН Азерб. ССР, Серия биол. наук, 1988, № 5, с. 32-36.
5. Э.С. Джафаров, Л.А. Алиев. Влияние ионогенных детергентов на структуру сывороточного альбумина человека. Исследование методом тритиевой метки. Изв. АН Азерб. ССР, Серия биол. наук, 1988, № 6, с. 24-30.
6. Э.С. Джафаров, Алиев Л.А. Структура и конформационные особенности сывороточного альбумина. Баку, Изд-во «Элм», 1990, 204 c.
7. Э.С. Джафаров. Зависящие от рН конформационные переходы сывороточного альбумина человека. Исследование методом тритиевой метки. Молек. биол., (Москва), 1991, т. 25, вып. 5, с.1412-1417.
8. Э.С. Джафаров. Исследование структуры сывороточного альбумина человека, свободного от жирных кислот, методом тритиевой метки. Молек. биол., (Москва), 1992, т. 26, вып. 1, с. 168-172.
9. Э.С. Джафаров, Л.А. Алиев. Протеолитическое расщепление сывороточного альбумина человека, меченого тритием. Изв. АН Азерб., Серия биол. наук, 1996, № 1-6, с. 127-131.
10. E.S. Dzhafarov. Study of interfaces of between subunits of human serum albumin by tritium labeling method. Turkish J. of Biology, 2000, v. 24, p.345-351.
11. Э.С. Джафаров, Л.А. Алиев. Исследование внутримолекулярной упаковки молекулы сывороточного альбумина человека методом тритиевой метки. Изв.АН Азерб., Серия биол. наук, 2000, №1-3, с. 21-27.
12. Э.С.Джафаров. Исследование структурных изомеризаций сывороточного альбумина человека, вызываемыx ионами водорода, методом тритиевой метки. Докл. АН Азерб., 2000, №4-6, с. 193-200.
13. Э.С.Джафаров. Исследование структурной организации молекул сывороточного альбумина человека методом тритиевой метки. Изв. АН Азерб., Серия биол. наук, 2001, № 1-3, с. 32-41.
14. Э.С. Джафаров. Доступные поверхности N- и С- концевых больших фрагментов сывороточного альбумина человека при рН 3,5. Исследование методом тритиевой метки. Изв. АН Азерб., Серия биол. наук, 2001, № 4-6, с. 36-41.
15. Э.С. Джафаров. Исследование механизма кислотной структурной изомеризации сывороточного альбумина человека на основе его больших фрагментов. Докл. НАН Азербайджана, 2002, № 3-4, с. 178-187.
16. Джафаров Э.С. Исследование доменной структуры макромолекул радиоизотопным методом. Проблемы энергетики, 2003, №-3, с. 51 – 56.
17. Э.С. Джафаров. Конформационные особенности сывороточного альбумина человека на основе данных метода тритиевой метки. Изв. НАН Азерб., Серия биол. наук, 2003, №3-4, с.179-183.
18. E.S. Dzhafarov. Study of interfaces of between subunits of human serum albumin by tritium labeling method. Turkish J. of Biology, 2000, v. 24, p.345-351.
19. E.S. Cəfərov. İnsan zərdabı albumininin funksiyaları, quruluşu və konformasiya çevrilmələri. Bakı, «Elm» nəşriyyatı, 2003, 126 s.
20. E.S. Cəfərov, C.R. Orucova, A.K. Cəfərli. Kiçik dozalı γ-radiasiyanın dəvətikanı və qoşayarpaq bitkilərinin biomorfoloji, reproduktivlik və və rezistentlik xüsusiyyətlərinə təsirinin tədqiqi. «AMEA-nın Xəbərləri (Biologiya Elmləri) jurnalı, 2005, № 3-4, s. 168-173.
21. E.S. Cəfərov, C.R. Orucova. Kiçik dozalı ionlaşdırıcı şüalanmanın bitkilərin vegetasiya dövrünün müxtəlif mərhələlərində fotosintez prosesinə təsirinin tədqiqi. AMEA-nın Məruzələri, 2006, LXII cild, №5-6, s. 90-98.
22. Дж.Р. Оруджева, Э.С. Джафаров. Некоторые особенности распределения природных радионуклидов в разных органах растений, произрастающих в зоне повышенного радиационного фона. Радиационная биология и радиоэкология, 2007, т.47, №2, с.241-246 (Москва).
23. A. Jafarly, E. Dzhafarov. Research of the activity of Chlorophyllase in plants growing in the high radiation background zone. Radioprotection (Paris), Vol. 43, № 5 (2008), p.210
24. Э.С. Джафаров, А.К. Джафарлы. Исследование синтеза хлорофиллов на основе изучения активности ферментов антиоксидантной защиты растений. Вестник Ужгородского Национального Университета, 2010, вып.27, №1-4, стр.1-4.
25. Э.С. Джафаров, А.К. Джафарлы, Дж.R. Оруджева, Г.Г. Бабаев. Влияние повышенного радиационного фона на содержание фотосинтетических пигментов в листьях дикорастущих растений на территории Бакинского завода по производству йода. Вестник Украинского общества генетиков и селекционеров, 2012, том 10, №2, стр. 224-234 (Киев).
26. Э.С. Джафаров, Г.А. Годжаева, Г.Г. Бабаев, Дж.Р. Оруджева. Изменение содержания флавоноидов, каротиноидов и антоцианов ALHAGI PSEUDALHAGI (BIEB.) в условиях хронического облучения природных радионуклидов. Вестник Украинского общества генетиков и селекционеров, 2012, том 10, №2, стр. 214-223 (Киев).
27. Э.С. Джафаров, Г.А.Годжаева, А.К. Джафарлы, Г.Г. Бабаев, Дж.Р.Оруджева. Изменение содержания отдельных элементов антиоксидантной системы защиты Alhagi Pseudalhagi (BIEB.) в условиях хронического γ-облучения. Журнал «Вопросы радиационной безопасности», 2013, №3, стр. 12-24.
28. E.S. Cəfərov, A.K. Cəfərli. Yüksək radiasiya fonu şəraitində bitən dəvətikanı və qoşayarpaq bitkilərinin yaşıl yarpaqlarından ayrılmış toxumalarda xlorofillaza fermentinin aktivliyinin təyini. AMEA-nın Xəbərləri (Biologiya elmləri.), 2010 , cild 65, № 3-4, s.79-84.
29. G.Ə. Abdullayeva, E.S. Cəfərov, H.Q. Babayev, C.R. Orucova. İonlaşdırıcı şüalanmanın xroniki təsiri şəraitində dəvətikanı (Alhagi Pseudalhagi) bitkisinin yarpaq və çiçəklərində vegetasiyanın müxtəlif mərhələlərində antosian, karotinoid və flavonoid piqmentlərinin toplanması. AMEA-nın xəbərləri (Biologiya və tibb elmləri), 2012, cild 67, № 2, səh. 118-122.
30. E.S. Cəfərov, A.K. Cəfərli, G.Ə. Abdullayeva, C.R. Orucova, H.Q. Babayev, AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü A.A. Qəribov. Dəvətikanı bitkisinin inkişaf mərhələsindən asılı olaraq radioaktiv şüalanmanın müxtəlif dozalarda fotosintentetik piqmentlərin miqdarına təsirinin tədqiqi. AMEA-nın Məruzələri, 2012, №6, Cild LXVII, səh. 99-107.
31. E.S.Cəfərov. Fizika. Abituriyentlər üçün vəsait. Bakı, Elm. 2013. 298 səh.
32. Э.С. Джафаров, Г.А.Годжаева, А.К. Джафарлы, Г.Г. Бабаев, Дж.Р.Оруджева. Изменение содержания отдельных элементов антиоксидантной системы защиты Alhagi Pseudalhagi (BIEB.) в условиях хронического γ-облучения. Журнал «Вопросы радиационной безопасности», 2013, №3, стр. 12-24.
33. E.S. Cəfərov. Radiobiologiya. Bakı, Elm. 2014, 324 səh.
34. E.S. Jafarov, G.A. Gojayeva, A.K. Jafarli, H.G. Babayev. The Content of Nonenzymic Antioxidants in Different Organs Alhagi pseudalhagi Grown Under Conditions of Chronic γ-radiation. Inter. Journal of Plant Science and Ecology. 2015, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 162-166.
35. E.S. Jafarov, A.K. Jafarli, G.A. Gojayeva, H.G. Babayev. Antioxidant Responses of Alhagi pseudalhagi (Bieb.) in Conditions of Chronic γ-radiation Exposure at Different Development Plant Phases. Scientia Agriculturae. 2016, V.3, №2, pp. 85-92 (Journal Citation value (JCV): 3.58, RES B Impact factor: 0.84, Scientific Indexing Service Impact Factor: 0.989).
36. E.S. Jafarov, K.G. Qarayeva, H.G. Babayev and S.P. Hasanov. The Functioning of the Antioxidant Defense System in Two Generations of Solanum melongena L., the Seeds of which before Sowing were Subjected to γ-irradiation. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (I J C M A S). 2016, Vol. 5 № 5, pp. 235-252 (Impact Factor - 2.015, CODEN (USA) - IJCMO9 Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: P – 1143 – 2015).
37. Караева К.Г., Джафаров Э.C. Исследование содержания малонового диальдегида в двух поколениях Solanum melongena l., семена которого перед первым посевом подверглись к воздействию γ-лучей при разных дозах. Евразийский Союз Ученых. Биологические науки. 2016. 6 (27), с.73 – 75 (Beynəlxalq indeksləri: The Asian Education Index, Index Copernicus International, Global Impact Factor (0.388 за 2015 г.), ISI (0.833 за 2015 г.), Open Academic Journal Index, Social Science Open Access Repository, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, РИНЦ, Scientific indexing service, Cite Factor, Academic Resource, İndex Research Bib, Кибер Ленинка, Slide Share, IIJIF, JIFactor).
38. E.S. Jafarov, M.Z. Velijanova. Effect of salt stress on the content of photosynthetic pigments in the Pisum L. Seeds which before sowing is subjected to gamma radiation at different doses. J. of Radiation Reseatch. 2017, vol 2. № 4, p.80-86.
39. E.S. Jafarov, K.G. Garayeva. Determination of biometric parameters and malondialdehyde content in two generations of Cucumis sativus L., the seeds of which before the first seeding were subjected to gamma-irradiation in different dose. Applied Science Reports. 2018, V. 21, №3, p.79-83.
40. Abiyev H.A., Topchiyeva Sh.A., Jafarov E.S. The study influence of environmental pollutants on venom of snake Macrovipera lebetina obtusa. Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola. 2018, V. 33, №3, p.85-96.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:
1. Member of the International Council "In Modern Problems of Radiobiology" (Moscow, Russia).
2. Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Radiation Biology and Radioecology" (Moscow, Russia)

Pedagogical activity:
1. From 2009 to 2014 academic year he was a professor at the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources Exploration of the Sumgait State University.
2. From 2008 to 2010 he worked at the Department of Physics of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction
3. Since 2016, he has been working as a consultant professor in the department of science and adjuncture at the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic Azerbaijan.

Awards and prizes:
For services in the field of biological sciences Decree of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences in 2005 and in 2016 was awarded an honorary diploma.

Main place of work and its address:
Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AZ1143, B.Vakhabzadeh str., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic

Position: Leading Researcher

Office phone: (+994 12) 5102681
Mobile: (+994 50) 6344860
Home phone: (+994 12) 5450122
