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Doctors of Sciences

Abiyev Asgar Ali Gulam oglu

Abiyev Asgar Ali Gulam ogluPlace of birth: Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city, Surakhani region

Date of birth: 28.06.1934

Education: Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, Physics

Scientific degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Title: Professor

Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code: 01.04.10
- specialty name: Physic of semiconductors and dielectrics
- topic name: Radiation defects in germanium irradiated with 28 MeV energy accelerated electrons

Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code: 01.04.10
- specialty name: Physic of semiconductors and dielectrics
- topic name: The process of radiation defect formation in inhomogeneous semiconductors and dielectrics

Total number of printed scientific publications: 125
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: 90
- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: 58

Number of patents and certificates of authorship: 5

Staff training:
- number of PhD: 5

Basic scientific achievements:
By means of a special installation, for the first time developed, it has been studied annealing of radiation defects in semiconductors within irradiation process in electron accelerator and their accumulation kinetics and has been determined the application ways of ionizing rays in the technology of semiconductor devices.
In the last 20 years, it has been found out an algorithm to write balanced (magic) squares and cubes of any order, consisting of any numbers, and their application possibility in science and technology has been studied.
It has been found correlation of Abiyev’s Balanced squares and cubes with Mendeleev’s periodic law.

Names of scientific works:
1. Абиев А.К., Ухин Н.А. Установка для измерения Э.Д.С, Холла и проводимости полуроводниковых материалов в переменных электрическоми магнитном полях, Приборы и Техника Эксперимента, №3, 234,1968.
2. Абиев А.К., Ухин Н.А. Низкотемпературное облучение германия электронами с энергией 28 МэВ, Физика и Техника Эксперимента, т.4, в.8, 484,1970.
3. Абиев А.К. и др. Способ изготовления полупроводникового материала, Авторское свидетельство СССР, №563866.
4. Abiyev A.A. at all. Investigation of center of mass by using magic squares and its possible enginearing applications, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 49, 2004,219-226.
5. Abiyev A.A. The correlation Adiyev's balanced squares with Periodic Law, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Informatics and Computing Theory (AICT'11) Prague, Czech Republic, September, 26-28, 2011, pp. 33-38.

Pedagogical activity:
15 years,
Turkey, Ankara, Science High School (1993-2000);
Turkey, Gaziantep, University of Gaziantep (2000-2007);

Awards and prizes:
Gold Medal, The Best Patriot Scientist-Researcher (2014) Republic of Azerbaijan, “European Publishing And Press House”

Main place of work and its address:
Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AZ1143, B. Vakhabzadeh str., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic

Position: Head of Department

Mobile: (+994 50) 7904611
Home phone: (+994 12) 5962663