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Doctors of Sciences

Hajiyeva Nushaba Nubarak gizi

Hajiyeva Nushaba Nubarak gizi

Place of birth: Azerbaijan, Absheron district, Altiaghaj village

Date of birth: 06.05.1950

Education: Azerbaijan State Universitety named S.M.Kirov (BSU)

Scientific degree: Doctor of Physical Sciences

Title: Associate professor

Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code: 01.04.05
- specialty name: Оptics
- topic name: Manifestation of intermolecular interactions in the IR spectra of hydrogen bonding cryosolution systems

Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code: 2225.01; 2209.01
- specialty name: Radiation materials science; Optics
- topic name: Spectroscopy of radiation-stimulated heterogeneous processes on the surface of metals and their oxides

Total number of printed scientific publications: 200
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: 120
- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: 80

Number of patents and certificates of authorship: 5

Staff training:
- number of PhD: 3

Basic scientific achievements:
Fundamental optical and spectroscopic studies of the mechanisms and peculiarities of adsorption and radiation transformation processes of water molecules and hydrocarbons in heterogeneous systems involving metal and metal-oxides under the influence of gamma irradiation.

Names of scientific works:
1. Н.Н. Гаджиева, Ф.Н. Нурмамедова. Радиационное окисление бериллия в воде // Журнал физической химии, 2012, т.86, №9, с.1599-1604.
2. Gadzhieva N.N., Nurmamedova F.N. Oxidation and accumulation of molecular hydrogen in beryllium water system upon radiation – thermal treatment // Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surface, 2012, v.48, №4, p.419-423.
3. Н.Н. Гаджиева, А.А. Гарибов, Ф.Н. Нурмамедова, Ш.С. Исмаилов. Микроскопическое исследование поверхности радиационно - термически окисленного бериллия // Журнал вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2012, №5(81), с.21-26.
4. N.N. Gadzhieva, A.A. Garibov, Sh.S. Ismailov, F.N. Nurmamedova. The electrophysical properties of the surface of radiation. Thermal oxidized beryllium in water medium // International Journal of Materials Science and Applications, 2014, v.3, №6-1, p.16-19.
5. N.N. Gadzhieva. An IR spectroscopy study of the radiation chemical transformation of n-hexane on the silicon surface // Russian Journal Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces, 2014, v.50, №4, p.460-465.
6. N.N. Gadzhieva. An IR spectroscopic study of the radiation- stimulated adsorption of n-hexane on the silicon surface // Australian Journal of technical and natural sciences, 2014, v.4, №7-8, p.111-115.
7. N.N. Gadzhieva. Infrared spectroscopy study of radiation-chemical transformation of n-hexane on a beryllium surface // J.optics and spectroscopy, 2017,v.123, №1, p.21-25.
8. N.N. Gadzhieva. Infrared spectroscopy study of radiation-induced adsorption of n-hexane on a beryllium surface // J.optics and spectroscopy, 2017, v.123,№1,p.26-29.
9. N.N. Gadzhieva, A.M. Magerramov. Radiothermoluminescence of oxides nanostructures onsurfases of radiation-oxidized aluminum and beryllium.// J.optics and spectroscopy, 2018, v.124, №3, p.323-327.
10. N.N. Gadzhieva.Optical properties of the surface of radiation-thermally oxidized aluminum and beryllium //Journal of Radiation Researches, 2017, v.4, №1, p.68-74.
11. N.N. Gadzhieva. Features of radiation-stimulated hydrogenation of an aluminum surface //Journal of Surfase Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2018, v.12, №3, p.516-519.
12. N.N. Gadzhieva. Study of Formation of Oxide Nanostructures on the Surface of Radiation-oxidated Aluminum // Journal Materials Science: Materials Review (MS:MR), 2018, v.1, issue 1,p.1-6.
13. N.N. Gadzhieva. Pecularities of radiation oxidation of aluminum surface in contact with water // Problems of atomic science and technology, 2018, v.117, 5, p.45-49.
14. T.N. Agayev, S.Z. Melikova, N.N. Gadzhieva. Fourier IR spectroscopy study of the radiation-thermal decomposition of water in the nano-ZrO2+nano-Al2O3+H2O system // Journal of Physical Studies, 2020, v.21, №2, pp.2701-2701-6.
15. Т.Н. Агаев, С.З. Меликова, Н.Н. Гаджиева, М.М. Тагиев. ИК-Фурье-спектроскопическое исследование радиационно-термического разложения воды в системе нано-ZrO2-нано-SiO22О // Российские нанотехнологии, 2020, т.15, №2, с.40-44.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:
1. Royal Optical Society (United Kingdom)
2. American Chemical Society (USA)

Awards and prizes:
1. In 2011 year she recognized by the American Bibliographical Institute with gold medal and diploma for scientific achievements in the field of "Spectroscopy in Radiation Research". In 2012 year she selection "Man of the Year." 2. In 2012 year, the International Biographical Centre is included her in the book of "2000 Outstanding Intellectuals 21st Century"

Main place of work and its address:
Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AZ1143, B.Vakhabzadeh str., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic

Position: Leading Researcher

Mobile: (+994 50) 8703168
Home phone: (+994 12) 4329490